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For most of us, aging happens too soon.

At Michelle Boone Aesthetics, we subtly reverse the signs of aging so you can look as good as you feel.


7450 Dr Phillips Blvd #203
Orlando, FL 82319

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Sun damage: What it is and how to prevent it

As the weather heats up and the days get longer, protecting yourself against the sun becomes more important. Damage from sun exposure is common and is estimated to be the primary cause of aging skin.

Skin damage is caused by exposure to ultraviolet light, commonly called UV. Routine exposure can cause sunburns, dark spots, and wrinkles. When the exposure to UV light causes damage to the DNA in our skin cells, the outward result is a sunburn. While the skin normally produces melanin to protect itself against UV light, when the skin is exposed to too much sun, it produces extra melanin, which clumps to form a dark sunspot. UV light also causes the collagen and elastin in our skin to break down. These two proteins help keep the skin smooth and firm, but as it breaks down, wrinkles begin to form.

While even minimal exposure to sunlight can cause damage to the skin, prolonged or extreme exposure can result in more serious conditions like skin cancer. Because of the damage caused, it’s best to protect yourself from sun exposure and use a daily broad-spectrum SPF of at least 30. If you are outside, sweating, or getting wet, it’s best to reapply every hour and a half.

While it’s best to prevent sun damage before it occurs, if you have dark spots or wrinkles, there are options to treat the effects. Skin lightening creams and retinoids may help reverse sunspots, while chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser therapy can create new layers of the skin and promote the production of collagen, which will diminish the appearance of sunspots and wrinkles.

Ready to reverse the signs of sun damage and give your skin a fresh look? Book an appointment today with Orlando’s best aesthetic professionals and find the right treatment for you.